Airlines Successfully Clearing First Test of Resistance, More Upside in Play?

I know the airlines group is generally loathed. That said, in a post earlier this week it was noted that the group’s relative performance against the SPX has tracked the general decline in the USD for over a decade now and…...

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Euro Financials about to Out-perform Near-Term, Positively Boost Global Sentiment?

Euro Financials about to Out-perform Near-Term, Positively Boost Global Sentiment?

The ratio chart below of the DJ Euro Financials vs. the XLF suggests the former could be reaching a support zone whereby they could out-perform the latter, at least in the very near-term. Ostensibly, such out-performance would likely be coupled…...

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Was 2011 the “Real” Top? / The Power of Monetary Stimulus

Can they keep the ball in the air? That’s the question in the back of the head of any bear. Not to be overly dramatic, but nearly every economic and monetary force in the world is aligned against bearish risk…...

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1973/1974 the Closest Parallels to 2012/2013?

Before we can even consider this question one needs to have a heart-to-heart with themselves on one major issue… Do you believe domestic equities are still in a secular bear market? If you do, continue on.  If not, there’s going…...

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