Ratio of Yen vs. AUD Breaking 23-Year Support That’s Been in Place Since the Nikkei’s All-Time 1989 Highs
In the chart below the ratio of the Yen vs. AUD is breaking 23-year support at the inset.
This support has been in place since early 1990 immediately succeeding the Nikkei’s all-time highs in December 1989.
So, one has to wonder…
If condition ‘X’ has been in place for 23 years and concurrent with that condition another condition ‘Y’ has been in place for the entirety of condition ‘X’s’ existence, does the reversal/removal of condition ‘X’ also necessitate the reversal/removal of condition ‘Y’?
Meaning, is support in the chart below condition ‘X’ whereas condition ‘Y’ is the Nikkei’s concurrent 23 year secular bear market?
Food for thought…