Long Radio-active, Coal Finally Looks Attr-active on a Relative Basis
A long, long time ago in Aug-12 we wondered out loud if the world no longer needed coal. We went on to suggest a month later in Sep-12, mightily incorrectly we might add, that coal stocks could begin out-performing. Since both…...

This Group Finds Itself Back at Relative Support
In summer 2012 we over-weighted coal stocks given the ratio of the DJ Coal Index vs. SPX stood at the combo of support lines (1) and (2) below. The group ran incredibly well into the November elections, out performing by…...

Are Prices Really the Only Thing That Matter?
If so, what are the prices of the two asset classes below suggesting about the likely winner of the upcoming U.S. presidential election? Or, am I reading too much into the tea leaves here?

As a Group, Coal Appears to be Breaking Out & Could Continue to Out-Perform
For some background on our thoughts on coal, please see these previous posts here and here. Since our original post on the group all the way back on August 9th, the DJ Coal Index has risen 22% vs. only a…

Coal Stocks are Up 13% Since Our Last Post on the Group
On August 9th we highlighted how oversold coal stocks were, with the DJ Coal Index down ~75% from its highs in 2011. We noted that similar sell-offs in the past have led to material rallies in the group. With the…