Basic Material Depression
Below I plot the 10-yr RoC in the FTSE Basic Materials Index (longer history than SPX Basic Materials Index). Its worst print in 2018 as it lapped the 2008 global commodity high was -63%. That was the third-worst secular print…...

Random Long Opportunity of the Day
RNO is plotted on a daily basis below. This one is a coal-focused MLP. Not something you see all the time. This has been one strike against it since it came public in 2010. The second strike against it is…...

This Stock Sits at 24-Year Support
CLF on a weekly basis below. Had put this on my radar to pick up at $16 but got preoccupied with other things late last week and missed. Regardless, the $16 target was defined by 24-year support line (1) in…...

More Evidence the Commodity & Emerging Market Secular Bull Run is Over
The chart below highlights the ratio of the DJ Basic Resources Index vs. SPX. Note the secular rise in the ratio from 2002-2008 indicating the ongoing strength of the secular bull market in basic resources, commodities and emerging markets/infrastructure growth….
Continue to Believe that China Can Remain a Source of Out-Performance
Historically we’ve focused this thesis on the idea that such out-performance would come via the SPX. That said, with a little bit more digging, the ratio charts below also suggest that the SSEC can out-perform the companies that have historically…...