U.S. Rate Structure Set to Move Higher
Had a recent post on the 10-yr bond that suggested a break-down in prices (and rise in rates) was very close. That prognostication has yet to materialize. Having said that, I’m no less convinced that it will indeed materialize; it’s…...

Pity the Fool?
Pity the fool that doesn’t buy Mr. T, as in AT&T? In the charts below with T pressing a break-out of ~15-yr resistance line (1a) this morning in the left pane on the heels of WIN’s decision to spin out…...

Nikkei 225 Components Tearing Through Quarter-Century Resistance to Upside
In the chart below I present a handful of Nikkei 225 components that are tearing through quarter-century resistance via upside break-outs. In each case this resistance dates back to the stocks’ all-time highs coinciding with the Nikkei’s own all-time high…...

Triggers to the Next Leg of the Nikkei Run
Last night Japan’s CPI printed +3.6% YoY in June, down from 3.7% YoY in the prior month, but holding steady at near 23 year highs per the chart below. This is key and core to our ongoing Japan/Nikkei thesis –…...

Semi Out-Performance Thesis Has Reached a Critical Juncture
We’ve been vocal proponents of over-weighting semis vs. the broader market this year and thus far, that trade has paid off handsomely. For instance, INTC, the group bellwether, has outperformed both the SPX and Nasdaq by 26% YTD. Having said…...

Additional Mega-Cap Break-Out
EMC breaking above and out of a long-term flag/consolidation pattern this week b/t lines (1) and (2) on heels of a push by a large activist fund to break company up and spin off VMW. Similar to all the other…...

6 Tuners & 6 Consecutive Weeks of Gains
TIVO’s most recent DVR, the Roamio, has been lauded over and over by important consumer electronics critics. One of its many features is that it has a total of six tuners, meaning a viewer can record six different shows simultaneously…....

Quirkiness in the VOL Arena
Chart below plots n-t VOL (VIX) vs. 3 mo VOL (VXV) on a ratio basis. As I type at 3:55 PM EST on 7/17/14 that ratio is printing ~1.20. Note that in the chart below, via the horizontal green line,…...

Buying this Mega-Cap Tech Stock
Very much in-line with our ongoing semi and MSFT thesis, be a buyer of CSCO. In the chart below the stock is breaking above ~13-yr resistance line (1) dating back to the early 00s. The height of the pattern formed…...

Disparity b/t Multi-Year SPX Performance & EPS Growth Remains Acute, but When Will it Matter?
In late December of last year I penned a piece detailing the increasingly massive disparity b/t SPX performance relative to the underlying EPS growth of the same index. In that post we filtered for periods in history dating back to…...