Random Short Opportunity of the Day
In the chart below CALD is breaking below line (1) support at the inset. The support line (1) in question that has broken has acted as a rising, multi-month shelf of sorts. Break-downs from similar technical set-ups have occurred regularly…...

I quote Michael Cera in Superbad in this post’s subject line because the charts below are the same pattern. One is ARRS and the other is TIVO. Both are bullish ascending triangles and both share the same date axis and…...

Market’s Respect for Trend Has But Seven Historical Precedents
As of last week the Wilshire 5K closed above its 30 week MA for the 70th consecutive week dating back to 11/25/2012. That’s an incredible feat of “trending”, if ever there was an obvious representation of what unbridled bull market…...

Semi Thesis Bears Fruit
We have been extolling the virtues of the coming wave of potential semiconductor out-performance since July of last year. We were probably a touch early with that call as the relative performance of the group fell ~170 bps from the…...

Key Breakdowns
I’ve got two simple technical charts below. One is the SSEC and the other copper, both on a weekly basis. The SSEC is on the cusp of breaking down from major long-term patterns including the flag formed b/t lines (1a)…...

Gold Offers Favorable Risk/Reward Set-Up, But in Which Direction?
A few weeks ago on 2/19/14 we made a high conviction call to buy gold and related miners. Our thesis in that post was based on two historically bullish price action characteristics that the metal was then exhibiting including: Gold…...

Nikkei Remains on Track
Wanted to update our ongoing Nikkei 6 mo RoC > 65% analog (a previous update here). Prices in the charts below reflect today’s US futures based price of ~14,450 as this is what tonight’s Japanese-based trade will likely converge around…....

PM/FX Crossroads
Fairly simple chart today with fairly straightforward conclusions. Below you’ll find that gold and the USD are at critical crossroads with the former/latter facing two-year resistance/support. The USDs chart is particularly intriguing to the extent that the support line in…...

Performance Update for all Chinese Company-Specific Ideas Dating Back to June/July 2013 “SSEC at a Major Low” Call
I’ll do with all our Chinese single-stock ideas dating back to my late June / early July 2013 call that the region’s equities were at a major low (even as Barron’s was calling for a crash), what I also did…...

Performance Update for 2014’s Company-Specific Ideas
I continue to have very little to write about on a day-to-day basis that I haven’t already discussed previously. Ultimately, I think I’ve sliced and diced U.S. markets about as extensively as one can in terms of divining future outcomes;…...