Global Geo-Political Tensions about to Rise?
The ratio of the DJ Airlines Index vs. SPX is nearing a critical piece of resistance in the chart below. Interestingly, every time this resistance has been in play important geo-political events (including 9/11), especially those concerning the Middle East,…

An Alternative Way to Think About Silver
Given today’s post and numerous discussions we’ve had on the site about gold and the potential that it’s run isn’t over and that it might be coiling for another move higher, I figured we’d try to apply the same logic…...

Nikkei in the Early Stages of a New Secular Bull Market?
I’ll let the economists debate why or why not Japanese stocks should or should not go up. All I know is that I feel that there is a reasonably compelling price-based justification for viewing the Nikkei’s nearly quarter-century secular bear…...

More Evidence the Commodity & Emerging Market Secular Bull Run is Over
The chart below highlights the ratio of the DJ Basic Resources Index vs. SPX. Note the secular rise in the ratio from 2002-2008 indicating the ongoing strength of the secular bull market in basic resources, commodities and emerging markets/infrastructure growth….

Investor Net Worth Evaporating Much Like 2000, 2007 and 2011
We apologize in advance for simply regurgitating a piece of SentimenTrader analysis. Sure enough, it’s a cop-out to do so and a highly unoriginal, non value-added exercise. That said, every once in awhile it’s worth passing along. On Friday they pointed…

The Conundrum that is Gold (To Bubble or Not to Bubble?)
Let’s continue to beat a dead horse. Is gold a bubble? If so, did the bubble run end in September 2011 when gold peaked around ~$1,900? We know that thus far, if gold was a bubble and the run ended…...

AAPL Analog Update
On 1/26 we said the following about AAPL: “In concluding, I want us to be buyers of AAPL. I would consider a small position now (analog suggests a low in this area) and a much larger position if and when…...

Equity Analog Update
Figured I would simply dump and update all the various equity analog sets we’ve been using for the past 6-9 months in one post so that collectively, they could paint a broad picture of the macro landscape. 4th & 5th…...